Friday, October 1, 2021

How To Care For Your Lawn in Fall To Protect Your Grass

Your lawn has served you well all summer. How do you make sure your fall lawn care protects your grass for a beautiful lawn in the spring? Here’s how you know your lawn needs some fall lawn care to make it come back strong next year:

  • Your lawn is looking dry after a long, hot summer
  • Your lawn has thin patches or bare soil showing
  • Your grass is being pushed out by weeds

Even if you’ve taken great care of your lawn for many years, sometimes your grass needs a boost of nutrition or some extra care in the fall to make sure it weathers the winter for another great spring.

Fall Lawn Maintenance Schedule To Protect Your Grass Over Winter

If you have thin patches in your lawn by fall, you might need help removing grubs under the lawn, or to have your lawn aerated to prevent soil compaction or a thick mat of roots from preventing a healthy lawn from growing back. Especially if you see thin grass in areas where your lawn receives a lot of heavy traffic, you might need aeration to ensure your grass grows back thick next year. This is important to do in the fall to allow grass to grow rather than weeds, which benefit more from aeration if you leave it off until spring.

Keep cutting your lawn until the first hard frost, because it will keep growing! Two and a half to three inches is just the right length. If your lawn is getting less than one inch of rain per week, keep watering through the fall until the frost, then disconnect any hoses and flush the irrigation system to prevent frozen pipes and spigots.

Want more tips? Read the full article on our website!

Think your lawn needs a little extra care this year to keep up with a lush appearance next year? We can help you take the best care of it. We handle every aspect of lawn maintenance and groundskeeping for property maintenance. Give Ever So Green a call for a free consultation on your lawncare needs at 517-540-1100. We serve Livingston County, Michigan.

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