Monday, May 18, 2020

Get Rid of Stubborn Garden Weeds with Professional Lawn Care

Are stubborn garden weeds making gardening less relaxing and more of a chore?

Have you tried every trick in the book to get rid of these common weeds in your lawn:

  • Dandelions – Yellow, petal-like flowers, serrated leaves, and a hollow stalk. Dandelions spread by seeds that germinate year-round and this plant can have a long, deep root.
  • Crabgrass – Flat, pointed, narrow leaves. The flower heads appear spiky. This spreads by seeds and lower stem pieces that take root deep in your lawn.
  • Thistle – Prickly, deeply-lobed leaves. White, purple, or pink flowers top this weed. It spreads by seeds and root fragment and can grow a couple of feet tall if left unattended!
  • Ground ivy – Rounded, scalloped leaves that look like mint topped with a purple flower. Spreads by seed and above-ground runners that root deep.

To find out more about how you can get rid of weeds fast, read more on our website!

Trust the Lawn Care Professionals in Howell, Michigan to Take Care of Your Lawn!

We specialize in lawn care services that will provide you with a beautiful, green and healthy lawn. Relax and enjoy a beautiful lawn this season while we do the work! We take great pride in delivering expert and professional service to all our customers. Request a quote today to get started!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hire Professional Lawn Care in Howell to Get Rid of Common Weeds

Are you tired of spending countless days in the spring and summer pulling weeds?

Is there a particular weed that wreaks havoc on your lawn no matter what you do to get rid of it?

Even the most well-tended lawns can come under attack from common weeds, especially those whose seeds float on the wind. Creeping weeds can also be a problem if you don’t pull them right down to the root.

Read more about how to tackle stubborn lawn weeds on our website!

If you’re tired of trying to tackle lawn weeds with no success, Ever So Green can help.

Noticeable results guaranteed! If you are not satisfied with the results of any treatment, simply call us; we’ll make it right. We are committed to quality service and customer satisfaction.

Relax and enjoy a beautiful lawn this season while we do the work! We take great pride in delivering expert and professional service to all our customers. Request a quote today to get started!

Suggestions for Your 2025 Lawn, Part 2

Spring is just around the corner! What can you do to make your lawn even better than it was last year? Here are three ways you can help your...