Saturday, July 15, 2023

When is the Best Time to Apply Grub Control Products?

Dry patches in early spring to mid-summer show that grubs have developed into adults. Grubs regularly eat grass roots, so you’ll probably notice grass and soil damage. 
You may also notice spongy spots or ground that gives a little as you walk on it. This could indicate an infestation.

Finally, if you’ve noticed more creatures feasting on your lawn, that’s a sure sign you have grubs. Look out for an increase in the number of birds, raccoons, skunks, or moles.  

When applying treatments, preventing grubs and killing the ones already damaging your lawn require different methods. It’s best to put down grub preventers in June and July just before the grubs begin to hatch. This provides the best preventative control for the next season. 

Ever So Green recommends grub treatment on lawns in mid-summer, but we can also treat your lawn in the spring if necessary. Contact us to find out the best time to treat your lawn. 

Read more about grub control and lawn fungus on our website!

Hire the Pros in Howell for Your Lawn Fertilization Needs

We have the knowledge and expertise to get you a beautiful, green and healthy lawn. Unlike other lawn care companies in Howell, we have a variety of programs to suit your needs:

Full Fertilization Program
Fertilization with Crabgrass Control Application
Fertilization with Broadleaf Control
Summer Fertilization with Spot Weed Control
Mid-Summer Fertilization
Full Fertilization with Broadleaf Control
Turf Winterization

Relax and enjoy a beautiful lawn this season while we do the work! We take great pride in delivering expert and professional service to all our customers. Request a quote today to get started!

Saturday, July 1, 2023

How to Get Rid of Lawn Grubs and Fungus

Lawn Care Companies Howell, Howell Lawn Care Companies
Do you wish your lawn was as green and lush as a golf course?

Have you tried everything to get rid of unsightly brown patches, or spots that don’t look right?

The best thing to do to tackle tricky lawn problems is to hire one of the professional lawn care companies in Howell. Experts who know the right products and techniques are the best people to take care of your lawn!

In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help temper these issues before they get out of hand.

  • Treating brown spots requires a little more care – diagnosing the underlying cause (fungus, bugs, grubs, etc.) – but ultimately can be solved with fertilizing and a steady lawn care routine.
  • Treating the lawn before grubs hatch and before weeds start to sprout is the best way to get pests and weeds under control before the problem starts.
  • Crabgrass is a troublemaker, but this is another weed that can be treated before it appears in the first place. Try a crabgrass preventer in early spring to stop it from sprouting and protect your lawn all season.
  • Stripes of yellow grass usually mean you’ve applied fertilizer wrong – hire the professionals to make sure you’re using the right type of fertilizer and that it’s applied correctly during the right season.

Read more about grub control and lawn fungus on our website!

Hire the Pros in Howell for Your Lawn Fertilization Needs

We have the knowledge and expertise to get you a beautiful, green and healthy lawn. Unlike other lawn care companies in Howell, we have a variety of programs to suit your needs:

Full Fertilization Program
Fertilization with Crabgrass Control Application
Fertilization with Broadleaf Control
Summer Fertilization with Spot Weed Control
Mid-Summer Fertilization
Full Fertilization with Broadleaf Control
Turf Winterization

Relax and enjoy a beautiful lawn this season while we do the work! We take great pride in delivering expert and professional service to all our customers. Request a quote today to get started!

Key Lawn Care Services to Begin in Spring

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