Friday, June 18, 2021

Grubs in Your Grass? Find Out How to Get Rid of Them Today

Look for dry patches in early spring to mid-summer that signals grubs have developed into adults. Grubs regularly eat grass roots, so grass and soil damage will be noticeable. 

Additionally, you may notice spongy spots or gives a little as you walk on it. This could be indicative of an infestation. 

Finally, if you’ve noticed more creatures feasting on your lawn, that’s a pretty sure sign that you have grubs. Look out for an increase of birds, raccoons, skunks, or moles. 

When is the Best Time to Apply Grub Control? 

First, make the distinction about if you’re preventing grubs, or killing the ones already damaging your lawn. It’s best to put down grub preventers in June and July just before the grubs begin to hatch. This provides the best preventative control for the next season. 

At Ever So Green, spring treatment is provided as necessary, but mid-summer is our normal recommended time.

Contact Ever So Green for Grub Control in Howell and the Surrounding Communities!

We specialize in lawn care services that will provide you with a beautiful, green and healthy lawn.

  • Full Fertilization Program
  • Fertilization with Crabgrass Control Application
  • Fertilization with Broadleaf Control
  • Summer Fertilization with Spot Weed Control
  • Mid-Summer Fertilization
  • Full Fertilization with Broadleaf Control
  • Turf Winterization

Partial programs and individual applications are available. Service months may vary with weather conditions. New customers receive a 5 percent discount for full program prepayment.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

How to Get Rid of Lawn Grubs

Have you noticed signs of grubs in your lawn? 

Maybe you’ve noticed the grass feels a little spongy, or you’re finding brown patches where the grass was once green. 

Grubs are a huge problem through the summer in Michigan. When you’re beginning to prep your lawn for warmer weather, there are a few things you can do to make sure grubs won’t be an issue later on.

There are many products on the market to help you deal with grubs, but timing is important. 

Healthy soil and pest management will give you the upper hand in grub defense.

Read more on our website!

Talk to Ever So Green and Hire a Great Company for Grub Control in Howell!

Hiring a professional lawn care company in Howell to help you take care of these lawn tasks is your best bet to get the perfectly manicured lawn you dream about. In 2-3 weeks, you can have grass that is the envy of your neighbors and that will entice your family and friends to hang out with you in your backyard for a barbeque when the weather warms up.

Key Lawn Care Services to Begin in Spring

How do you know where to start with spring lawn care? Here is a brief overview of what your lawn will need this spring: Aeration Aeration is...